Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Blog About My Blog!

Hey Everyone,

So blogging has not always been super appealing to me, but lately God has really been laying it on my heart and with a little encouragement from friend I decided to give it a shot. So I kind of thought I would just start out by giving everyone a little history lesson on my life and what I see for my blog.

So my name is Alissa. I come from an incredible family that I love dearly. They all live in Arizona and as for me I do not know exactly where to pin point my home. I am blessed to have many homes, I live in Alaska for 4 months of the year and the rest of the year I am temporarily living in California however my off time and holidays are spent in the lovely desert of Arizona. You may ask why in the world do you go to Alaska? Well let me tell you, I have an amazing job there in the summer as an airbrush face painter and I absolutely love it! I work for an incredibly family who displays Godly business characteristics every day in and out of the work place. Now you may wonder why don't I just stay in the beautiful state of Alaska? Well its not just because the winters are extremely harsh and cold it is mainly because I have an amazing opportunity to volunteer with a ministry called Beauty Arise. My passion is to see girls find their true identity and value in Christ and this is exactly what Beauty Arise is created to do and they are located in the sunny state of California and I am able to volunteer their from September to May each year! I know its pretty much living the dream, I get to be in a gorgeous state in summer but then I get to escape the coldness and soak of the California winter and its so close to my home state that I can just drive over whenever needed and the best part yet is that my incredible boyfriend goes to school in California right by me and to top it all off he is part of the amazing family I work with in Alaska! I know God is so awesome to me!!

Well there you have a little about me and through my blog you will learn more. So that brings me to the point of this blog. Its main goal is to encourage YOU! I have had my ups and downs and have learned and am still learning a lot on this grand adventure. So on here I would like to share my struggles and some of the life lessons God has taught me through some amazing experiences and people. Some posts will be current and some I will dig out the old journals to share with you. I want this blog to be real and raw and just be a way to help some of you with what you are going through too. So I hope that you wont just enjoy reading it be you will be inspired and want to apply God's truths to your life.

A Daughter of the Most High

Some Beauty Arise Staff

My amazing Boyfriend and I in Alaska

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a beautiful testimony!! Wish I could see all of you more.
Love you and God bless,