Friday, September 11, 2015

Changing Seasons

When I got to Alaska the trees looked dead and cold, when we got back from southeast they were full of bright green leaves it went from a scene in a haunted movie to a jungle and now leaving today everything is a bright orange and yellow. Seeing the seasons change up here is so fun. It reminds me how in life we go through seasons. This year I went from a season of being single to married, but even more than that every year is split into seasons for me; it's the carnival season, the offseason and the Christmas season! The carnival is full of work and long days that are usually colder than I wish for summer time, the off season is full of school and volunteering with Beauty Arise and the Christmas season is obviously when we leave Cali and head to AZ for Christmas vacation. Each season comes with its obstacles and blessings. Just like earth’s seasons. I have to prepare and plan for what is up next. It makes it hard to live in the moment when I feel like every moment goes by so fast. I am struggling to be all there when I feel like right around the corner I have to be in a totally different place doing something extremely different than what I was just doing. I am working hard at trying to live in the present and yet still use my time wisely and not feel overwhelmed. Why is there only 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year? Why can't there be more? I thought time was only suppose to move at the speed of light when you are old not when your 22!? How does one slow down and take time to be in the moment when it feels like you blink your eyes and the year is gone? I don't like that it is already September, it feels more like I just got married a month ago not 7! Even though it feels like everything is going so fast I have no time to enjoy it, I found this great little devotion on how to slow down and be present, it may not actually make time go slower but it did help me realize how to make every moment count. Hope you enjoy:

Living in the Present
When you were a kid, did you ever wish you could see into the future? Most kids wonder what will happen to them as the years pass by and they grow older. Where will they go to school? Will they go to college? What about a career? Will they get married and have a family?
This kind of thinking doesn’t end when a person reaches adulthood. Singles wonder whether there’s a spouse for them out there somewhere. Parents dream about what their kids will grow up to be. College freshmen wonder about their eventual career path; older workers prepare for—or worry about—their retirement years.
Human nature compels us to look ahead with wonder. Dreams of the future make the drudgery of work today worthwhile. Anticipation of future events gets us up in the morning and forces us to plan for tomorrow. It’s what separates a man from his best friend, his dog.
The Israelites in today’s story were no different from us today. Faced with an uncertain future and an immediate need for food and water, they started grumbling. While they’d labored hard during their years of slavery, at least in Egypt they’d always had plenty of food and water. Now here they were, out in the desert, and they and their kids were hungry and thirsty. Put yourself in their place, and try to look at the situation from their perspective. Chances are you’d have had a few pointed questions for Moses as well.
God heard them, and responded by promising to provide for them. Those of us who attended Sunday school know the story well—each morning, flakes of bread appeared on the ground; in the evening, quail covered the camp. But they couldn’t hoard what they gathered, and they couldn’t store it. Moses instructed the Israelites to gather only what they needed for the day—no more, no less. Tough to do when you’re thinking about what the kids will eat for breakfast!
Why was limiting what they gathered important to God? Because the Israelites needed to understand what we all need to learn—that we can sustain a relationship with God only in the present.
Our past is nothing more than the story of how we got to where we are, and dwelling on it causes us to become stagnant and unsatisfied. We can’t find God by worrying or dreaming about the future, either, because that just makes us want to control whatever lies ahead.
Yes, we have concerns and hopes and dreams for the future. But this story tells us that we can live out our relationship with God only in the here and now. God longs for us to trust him every hour and every minute of today.

Be the Beautiful God Created You to Be
<3 Alissa 

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