Tuesday, August 18, 2015

6 Tips Since It's Been 6 Months...

First I want to start off saying this is a huge step for me. I am going to commit to blogging. My goal is to blog weekly or at least bi weekly. Why this is such a big step for me? Because I am so self-conscious about my blogs. I read people’s blogs all the time and love them but that triggers embarrassment about mine. But I am stepping out and committing to this because I feel like this is something that God is challenging me to do. With that being said here we go…

6 Tips Since It’s Been 6 Months (Holy smokes its already been six months?!):

1. Always Make Time For Quiet Time
            This has always been a challenge for me honestly. I have a hard time being motivated in the morning and I work until late at night. However that is not an excuse. Quiet time is a must and in an extremely stressful time in life with major decisions being made I am learning how vital it is to spend extra time with God. I have always had a very quick daily reading but lately I have been buckling down and committing time and it’s been such a blessing!

2. Having A Husband Doesn’t Mean I No Longer Have A View
            I have always been a very independent person. I started working with family and friends at a very young age. This formed me into a self-reliant person. Adding a second person (my husband) to my life made me an indecisive person. I was always so concerned with hat he wanted. I am learning, as we are having to make decisions together, that I do need to state my opinion because it does matter and is important in life choices.  That in most cases it is actually appreciated and accepted by my husband. This leads to my next point…

3. It Is Okay To Disagree
            Just because you are married doesn’t mean you have to agree on everything. This scared me a great deal at first. I was terrified when we disagreed on things even if it was as small as where we should eat. It instantly gave me doubts. What if we are not meant for each other? What is getting married was a bad idea? But disagreements do not mean incompatible. Disputes are going to happen and it is a way that God uses to strengthen your marriage in a huge way. However the only way that conflicts work out are by communication and understanding.

4. Your Confidant Will Need To Change
            When it comes to making decisions I used to get most of my advice from my mom. She is a very Godly mentor and I value her opinion dearly. However God is really showing me that I need to bring my problems to my husband first.  I still value my mom’s advice deeply and still go to her for help but I have now become one with another person (Ephesians 5:31) and he should be my confidant.

5. Reading Is A Must
            I hated reading. I did the most minim amount possible all my life. When it came to high school I barely read a full book. I just would skim or read notes. However my life is changing drastically. Don’t get me wrong, I am definitely not a person who reads a book a day or even in a week in most cases, but I am reading. I decided to challenge myself with this at the beginning of the summer and I LOVE it. I am learning new things and even better than that it is helping me relax.

6. Having A Husband Is Fun!
            Finally I just want to say having a husband is so fun!  Being single was great but having someone to share your accomplishments with, your emotions, your decisions and your enjoyments is just so wonderful! We don’t see eye on everything and actually have very different hobbies but that just makes it such a more enjoyable journey. We learn from each and grow with each other in such incredible ways.

Be the beautiful God created you to be!

<3 Alissa Leavitt

A couple photos of our marriage journey :)

He's pretty cool

A breakfast date to the Red Chair Cafe

Some late night slacklining

A double date night to Bingo